Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Betrayal in Bretonnia - Turn 2


The dust has settled on turn 2 in Bretonnia, and it is the wily wood elves and the irascible tomb kings who currently lead the way.

Much fun has been had and tales of woe and glory shared in some memorable battles this turn. And the hatching of an alliance of men and dwarfs has begun to face off against the greenskin menace in the centre of Bretonnia.

Here's a summary of the action!

High Elves

The Asur began the turn with a strong victory over the foul undead in F2 square, sending the resurrected corpses of their foe sinking back into the foetid ground. However, due to an external event, the High Elves' second game against the greenskins could not take place and they were forced to retreat. Mages of the Saphery order have since erected an impenetrable mystic wall around their territory and have rushed back to Ulthuan to attend a Phoenix Court meeting. We hope they will return later in the campaign.

Vampire Counts

Assailed by the high elves on one side and their dark kin on the other, B'dash fumed quitely inside his coffin. Both battles had not gone well for the dead, but the vampire insisted it was all part of his grand plan to gain entry into Fozzrik's Flying Fortress. At least that's what he told his thralls...

Sadly for the vampires, they rolled slave labour on their random event, but didn't have any mines to make use of it! Thanks to their hardy constitution, the vampire emerged unscathed from his defeats, although I believe one of the lesser necromancers has taken one too many blows to the head and now suffers from stupidity...

They also lost ground to the Druchii in E1.


The doughty dwarfkin were not dismayed by their exploits against the dark elves. Although their three armies didn't move a great deal, they looked to shore up support in the centre as they and an nearby Empire force stared down at a horde of incoming greenskins.

That said, Tylin the thane forged his force into wood elf territory in an attempt to gain some ground and push back the Asrai. Once again, the wily and tricksy elves got the better of his forces and he was forced to withdraw after a humiliating defeat. It got worse - his unit of Thunderers, usually so stolid and accurate, seemed to be gibbering and looning at each other after a bout of stupidity. After entering the grudge into the big book, his anger grew and he felt nothing but hatred for the Asrai for their next encounter.

Wood Elves

It was a big turn for the Asrai - who were glorious victors over both the Dark Elves and the Dwarfs as they expanded their realm.

The wood elves' fast units proved up to the task of taking on their (more) evil kin, scragging bolt throwers before they could do too much damage and winning the key big combat involving black guard and eternal guard thanks to some well-timed shadow magic.

It was a case of what might have been against the dwarfs as that eternal guard unit was left with one model alive, denying the poor dwarves a chunk of points!

They did role an additional tile of movement as a random event, but as the elven forces weren't moving far it didn't really help this turn!

The Asrai seized control of tile C2 from the Druchii.


Cowed a little by their wizard's defeat by the wizard tower, the men of the Empire opted for consolidation this turn neither issuing a challenge nor encroaching on enemy territory.

Instead it was a turn for diplomacy as the beginnings of a pact with the dwarves in the mountains was thrashed out over ale and roasted pig - perhaps concerned over those self-same orcs and goblins.

However, they weren't to escape this turn without a battle, read on more for later...

Tomb Kings

Lahmizzash was never content. After 467 years on the planet, much of it spent chasing treasure hunters intent on stealing his riches, it was perhaps not surprising. But still, he was quite the conversation stopper at gatherings.

Focusing on expanding his growing empire, he had sent Inathor the Liche High Priest to deal with the greenskins and had dispatched his loyal Necrotect to investigate a nearby stone henge to claim for the Khemri. 

Not content with this expansion and exploration, Lahmizzash decided it was time for the men of the Empire to feel his wrath, laying down a challenge to the humans. His skeleton archer unit outdid themselves by destroying a hated hellblaster in a single volley of arrows, but it was his loyal Tomb Guard who shone after cutting down to a men a halberdier unit filled with Empire heroes. Glory to Khemri!

There was still time to frighten the life out of some goblins, despite their crazy spinning ball and chain units. Again those archers outdid themselves (check previous blog posts for shenanigans). Hmm, they were getting too much glory, maybe he should have them disbanded....

My tomb kings grabbed the stone henge in L4 and seized control of K5 from the orcs!

Orcs & Goblins

Wotz this den? Skellie bones comin into ar land? Zoggin ell.

It was a case of the rough with the smooth for the greenskins this turn, as although they were driven out of their own territory by the tomb kings, the orcs and goblins did seize territory from the high elves before that mystical shield went up.

For the goblins, fear was the mindkiller, as they passed most of their checks apart from when it was really quite important. That cost them a couple of big units against the Khemri and added to some elvish-level archer, they came up short.

However, the gobbos have been busy as they earned a mine from their random event and now have both a castle, and a mine to take advantage of for the rest of the campaign.

There's just the prospect of a human and dwarf alliance that might but a dampner on things...

Dark Elves

The Druchii were defeated this turn by their treefolk kin and driven out of one of their territories, but a strong win against the vampire counts allowed them to win back another tile for their empire.

Their spoils so far allowed the dark elves to build a mine in B4 and expand to the north, allowing them space to move around. They also have the flying fortress itself still lurking in their territory, boosting any magic they might like to employ...

As a result of their defeat to the wood elves, the dark elves earned hatred of their Asrai kin - twice as the wood elf player rolled the same result. They REALLY dislike those tree-huggers...

Current state of play

1. Wood Elves, Tomb Kings - 7 relics
2. Orcs & Goblins - 6 relics
3. Dark Elves, Empire - 5 relics
4. Vampire Counts, High Elves - 3 relics
5. Dwarfs - 2 relics

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