Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Filthy greenskins...

Utterly unacceptable. One of the snivelling goblins had even tried to stab him with what looked like a posioned, and rusty, blade. This was outrageous.

Lahmizzash I was furious. He turned his eyes on to his liche high priest. Once again another of the legions famed bronze scorpions had been smashed to bits, probably beyond repair, by a ramshackle chariot crewed by capering greenskins.

"My humble apologies, your eminence," the liche priest intoned. He would deal with him later, for now there was territory to seize and enemies to flay.

Welcome to the second battle report in my Tomb King legions' campaign. This was a 2,000pt game against a goblin horde after my Khemri forces invaded my opponent's territory.

The lists:


GW: Goblin warboss - shield
NGB: Night goblin big boss - Cave Squig, shield
NGBS: Goblin big boss - BSB, shield
NGGS: Night goblin great shaman - Lvl 3
NGS1: Night goblin shaman - Lvl 2
NGS2: Night goblin shaman - Lvl 2
NGS3: Night goblin shaman - Lvl 1

G1: 36 goblins - full command, 3 sneaker skulkers
NG1: 36 night goblins, full command, netters, 2 fanatics
NG2: 38 night goblins, full command, netters, 2 fanatics
NG3: 20 night goblins, full command, netters, 2 fanatics
WC1/2: 2 wolf chariots
W: 12 wolf riders
SH1: 7 Squid Herd, 8 handlers
SH2: 8 Squig Hoppers
G1: Giant
MS: Mangler Squig

Tomb Kings

TK: Tomb King - shield
LHP1: Liche High Priest - Lvl 4, Nehekhara, Heirophant
LHP2: Liche High Priest - Lvl 4, Death

S: 30 Skeleton Warriors - full command, spears, shields
SA: 18 Skeleton Archers - standard, musician
SH1: 5 Skeleton Horsemen - musician
SH2: 5 Skeleton Horsemen - musician
SH3: 5 Skeleton Horsemen - musician
U: 4 Ushabti - great bows, musician
TS: Tomb Scorpion
TG: 25 Tomb Guard - full command, halberds
CoS: Casket of Souls
SSC: Screaming Skull Catapult - skulls of the foe

Spells: Goblins had them all, and lots of Vindictive Glare!
TKs had: Desert Wind, Protection, Smiting, Dangerous Terrain
Soulblight, Caress, Doom and Darkness and Spirit Leech

The goblins won the roll off and wasted no time in zooming forward!

Goblin Turn 1

Everything piled forwards in search of bones to crunch. Fortunately for me a double 1 on the winds of magic saw just one spell go off - a vindictive glare killing 4 of the central horsemen.

There was a giant staring me down though...

Tomb King Turn 1

On my right, the skeleton horsemen bravely sacrificed themselves by moving into contact with the mangler squig. There was nothing left of either unit...

I advanced around, and then proceeded to case some buffs to regrow my skeleton horsemen and give my archers double shot.

The Ushabti did well, killing several squig hoppers and the casket also killed a couple. The archers then put an impressive number of wounds on the giant - and this would develop into a theme...

Goblins Turn 2

With a roar the giant lumbered into the archers and the wolf riders crashed into the horsemen on my left flank. Everything else moved up a bit, barring the NG2 unit which squabbled instead.

Because I'd managed to resurrect the horsemen, 4 fanatics in the two night goblin units popped out...

Magic saw quite a few wounds caused on the ushabti with a vindictive glare, and the big vortex spell (can't remember name) killed a tonne of skeleton warriors.

In combat, the horsemen were wiped out and the wolf riders reformed to fit past the marsh. The giant whiffed, only killing 1 archer, and I poked him to death with my bow hafts... He did fall over and kill 9 more though.

Tomb King Turn 2

On my right, the Ushabti charged into the squig hoppers and boss on cave squig. My tomb guard moved a bit as they had two big units eyeing them up. The horsemen moved in front of the fanatics and one of those big blocks. 

My scorpion surfaced, facing down a wolf chariot. His appearance popped more fanatics, and won of them left him on 1 wound.

Magic was decent, with me healing the skeleton warriors a little and the archers got double shot. The casket also got rid of two fanatics and some night goblins.

They managed to kill a ridiculously high number of goblin herders and squigs from the unit in front of them.

In combat, I lost an ushabti but cut all the remaining squig hoppers down and wounded the big boss. He then fled the battlefield as my musician tipped the balance of the combat!

Goblins Turn 3

The chariot crunched into my badly wounded scorpion. One of the night goblin units ignored their own fanatics and smashed into the horsemen in the centre. The badly mauled squig herders failed their charge into the archers.

On my left, the wolves wheeled around eyeing up those pesky archers.

The vortex moved right through my spearmen, killing a lot more.

In combat, the wolf chariot crushed my poor scorpion, and the goblins made short work of my horsemen, overrunning into the tomb guard...

Tomb King Turn 3

All my horsemen were gone so there was little movement. The ushabti moved back towards the goblins.

I buffed my tomb guard with extra attacks and a bubbled protection to regrow some skeleton warriors. 

Shooting again saw far too many casualties caused on the squig herd - leaving them with just 2 squigs and some handlers. The catapult hit the night goblin unit on my right, causing it to panic and flee and sending a goblin shaman with it!

In combat, my Tomb King cut down the BSB and the Tomb Guard caused horrendous casualties on the night goblins. They needed snake eyes to hold, and rolled 1 + 2. So close! I restrained and faced the goblin unit.

Goblins Turn 4

The remaining squig herders charged into the archers, but the wolves failed this turn. NG1 unit fled off the board, as did the shaman. The other unit continued running but not too far. The common goblins failed their charge on my spearmen.

Magic wasn't great again for the goblins as I think they got one vindictive glare off on the ushabti but failed to wound.

In combat I lost a few archers but with the double attack spell up they managed to kill the remaining goblins and reformed to face the wolf riders. Panic caused the nearby chariot to run away.

Tomb King Turn 4

My spearmen made a long charge into the smaller night goblin unit, but my tomb guard failed to reach the common goblins.

In magic I again buffed the archers, although not with double shot this time. I also buffed my tomb guard in case the goblins charged in... Finally I put Doom and Darkness on the small goblin unit.

Shooting killed 3 wolf riders and the catapult chipped some goblins off the big common goblin unit.

My spearmen won the combat, and ran down the night goblins, sending the other chariot fleeing in panic. Everything else held though!

Goblins Turn 5

The wolf riders charged the remaining skeleton archers. Both chariots fled away, one off the board.

The remaining block of night goblins rallied.

Magic was again poor - I think some skeleton warriors died to a vindictive glare but I dispelled Mork'll Fix it and the poison buff on the common goblins.

In combat, the wolves failed their fear check, and only killed 1 archers, before breaking and fleeing away.

In the main combat, I issued a challenge with my tomb guard champion and he cut his goblin opponent down. My tomb guard caused a lot of casualties with extra attacks and my tomb king managed to roll a 5 to save being killed by a nasty skulker! He took vengeance by killing more goblins. It was too much for the diminutive greenskins, and they broke and were cut down.

Tomb King Turn 5

Not much left on the field. My tomb guard reformed to face the remaining night goblin unit. My warriors reformed to face the shaman.

Magic was non-eventful after an early failed cast. My ushabti did kill the shaman on the right, and the crazy archers did the same on the left.

Goblin Turn 6

The night goblins rallied! And the remaining fanatic whizzed around.

Tomb King Turn 6

The Tomb Guard charged the night goblins, who wisely ran away. And that was that!

Victory for the Khemri forces, but the goblins didn't have much luck at crucial times. He did roll snake eyes on fear/panic checks several times, but never when it really mattered.

My archers were ridiculous, accounting for the giant, squig herders, wolf riders, chariot (panic) and a shaman. Rolling 36 shots with double shot, I was hitting like 25. Crazy.

The goblins weren't ever able to stop all my buffs so I could regrow units, and crucially not killing off the final skeleton horsemen early on allowed me to pop the fanatics early and they just got in the goblins way.

Better guess ranging from my catapult in this one, but it scattered quite a bit. And my poor tomb scorpion isn't doing very well!

As a result of the battle, the goblin horde now hates my tomb kings next time we play. And I also hate the goblins, weirdly! The goblin general got +1 leadership though - very handy!

I earned 3 relics and 5 empire points. The gobbos got 1 and 1 respectively. Great game!

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