Sunday, March 12, 2023

Betrayal in Bretonnia - Turn 2 start


The blare of trumpets has sounded the start of turn 2 in our Warhammer Fantasy Battle campaign, and things are hotting up nicely in Bretonnia as armies move closer to each other.

Here is the hex map we're working off - with a few pointers to make it clear what's happening!

Pink = Dark Elves
Yellow = Vampire Counts
White = High Elves
Dark Green = Empire
Blue = Dwarfs
Red = Orcs
Brown = Wood Elves
Bone = Tomb Kings

Currently the orcs hold the wizard's tower (G4). The dwarfs and the tomb kings have built mines (axe symbol), whilst the orcs have built a ramshackle castle in I2.

The star symbol is a stone henge - currently being investigated by the forces of Khemri. The red temple is an abandoned mausoleum. Fozrik's Flying Fortress is currently in tile A1!

Battles this turn include:

Dark Elves vs Wood Elves (C2)
Dark Elves vs Vampire Counts (E1)
High Elves vs Orcs & Goblins (G2)
Empire vs Orcs & Goblins (G5)
Dwarfs vs Wood Elves (K8)
Tomb Kings vs Orcs & Goblins (K5)
Tomb Kings vs Empire (challenge)

There is a possible alliance between the dwarfs and the empire to try and rid the goblin scourge from the lower foothills. Lots of relics to be fought over, so we shall where we are at the end of turn 2!

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