Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Betrayal in Bretonnia - Turn 1

Schemes have been hatched. Battle lines drawn up. The flying fortress is looming over everyone and it was time for fortune and glory.

Yes the first campaign turn has finished for the 8 races clamouring to get hold of the secrets from the mystical castle. Plenty of fun has been had, some ignominious defeats and some glorious victories, and even some wood elf teleportation shenanigans.

Here's a summary!


Belying their usual cautious approach, it was the throng of Karak Ziflin who surged forwards first, seizing a moment in a lull of scouting patrols to grab hold of more territory close to their hold and sending out their three armies to claim more.

The dwarf thane wasted no time in issuing a challenge to the Druchii, hoping to secure some magical relics that might point to a way inside the flying fortress. Alas, another grudge had to be added to the Dammaz Kron as the cunning dark elves got the better of their diminutive opponents. Thane Tygron will no doubt seek to avenge this defeat.

In penance, a dragon slayer lost a point of movement and the dwarf warrior unit in the army will not take part in the next battle as they dye their beards and take the slayer oath in shame!

The dwarfs are flanked by the Empire on their right side, with orcs and goblins in front of them based at the Massiv Orcal and off to their left the tricksy wood elves around the Oak of Ages.

Vampire Counts

The vampire kindred were next to act, sending forth their undead legions to investigate an abandoned mausoleum and to get as close to the flying fortress as they could.

Who knows what foul deeds they are planning, but their first target was the men of the Empire as they issued an early challenge to human folk. Again their dastardly schemes were thwarted as the resolute humans held them off and drove them away from the mausoleum to rethink their next move.

One of the undead coven's necromancers was struck a heavy blow to the head which appears to have addled his brain (stupidity!), but the vampire lord seems to have gotten stronger despite his defeat (+1 to one of his stats - uh oh).

Here you can see the vampire counts (yellow) surrounded by Druchii and Asur from their city of Mousillon. Perhaps it's all part of the vampire lord's 'master plan', but we doubt it.


Not to be outdone, and despite the gauntlet laid down by the vampires, the men of the Empire moved out from Marienburg and into Bretonnia proper.

One of their armies moved to investigate a wizard's tower in front of them, while another kept pace looking for suitable territory to grab.

Fortunately it was the non-dead who were victorious on the battlefield, defeating the vampire and his foul thralls and sending them into (shambling) retreat.

The Empire could not revel in their victory for long, however, as a goblin army marched over the horizon to threaten their position at the wizard's tower...

... and there were humiliatingly routed by the goblin forces in a crazy Storm of Magic game, driving them away from the tower to regroup.

High Elves

Next to march were the Asur, who moved to investigate two nearby cities in search of lore and knowledge.

The high elves also discovered a magical banner along their route and scouting the nearby Khemri forces issued a challenge to the tomb king himself. Foolish elven curs!

Despite the preternatural swiftness, it was the Asur who were crushed beneath the bronze wheels of Khemri chariots and that magical banner was lost, perhaps forever.

Dark Elves

Their evil kin, not to be outdone, advanced rapidly towards the nearby city of Couronne and seizing territory along the coast to hold off any incursions from the Vampire Counts.

The Druchii had been challenged by the dwarf thane, and dispatched his forces with ease, driving them away and capturing many slaves for their torture pits.

Thanks to their success, the dark elves claimed Couronne and land along the coast, no doubt to plot daring raids further to the south.

Wood Elves

From the depths of the woods came the Asrai, making use of the mystical paths of the ancient roots to send one of their armies amongst the dark elves and vampire counts.

A second of their forces advanced into the territory of the orcs, keen to push back their foes and prevent them from generating the deadly Waaaagh might.

The subsequent battle was a true clash of arms, with neither force able to secure a victory - the game finished with about a 60VP difference! The wood elves retreated somewhat, but undaunted.

This allowed them to claim a woodland tile at the opposite end of Bretonnia - shenanigans I tells ye.

Orcs and Goblins

With a blare of horns and hollering orc brutes, the greenskin tide swept forwards. 

An army of night goblins descended on the wizard's tower, intent on despoiling it and nicking all the shiny stuff. 

A second army swept down towards the coast, hoping to scrap with the pointy ears or maybe the skellies, who knows.

It was a successful start for the gobbos - drawing a close battle with the wood elves, but vanquishing the men of the Empire at the wizard tower and seizing it for their own benefit!

They were also able to grab land near the coast, and construct a crude, orcish fort to better defend their land.

Tomb Kings

Finally it was the Legion of the Brass Scarab who advanced cautiously, years of experience of warfare informing their every move.

First though, Tomb King Lahmizzash I had to deal with the Asur, and it was his own chariot legion that did the damage crashing through a unit of White Lions and running amok behind the High Elf lines.

This crushing defeat allowed the Khemri to seize two more areas of land, and he ordered his heirophant to immediately build a mine to help support their drive for glory.

As a result of this triumph, his chariot legion earned the armour piercing special rule, but that was all down to Lahmizzash's glorious prowess, nothing to do with impact hits or anything. Be quiet you.

Current state of play

It's all about those relics, and here's the leaderboard:

  1. Orcs & Goblins, Empire - 4
  2. Tomb Kings, Wood Elves - 2
  3. Dark Elves, High Elves, Vampire Counts, Dwarfs - 1

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