Saturday, July 22, 2023

Betrayal in Bretonnia - Turn 3 start


Treachery and skullduggery abound as the campaign nears the end of the spring season.

The men of the Empire and the doughty dwarfs formed an impromptu coalition as they sought to deal with the menace of the greenskins in the centre of Bretonnia.

After defeating the dark elves, the wood elves turned their sites on the vampire counts (or were challenged by them!) and the tomb kings ventured into wood elf territory down at the southern borders of Bretonnia.

The fortress is still lurking in dark elf territory for now, but as spring draws to a close it has begun pulsing with a weird green light. What could that herald?

Battles this turn:

Orcs vs Empire & Dwarfs
Vampire Counts vs Wood Elves
Empire vs Wood Elves
Tomb Kings vs Wood Elves
Tomb Kings vs Dark Elves

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