Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 Time for another blog post!

I’ve finally finished the 10 characters from the Marvel Crisis Protocol boxed set, and have even played a couple of games! No seriously.

As usual it’s taken me too long what with all the other projects on the go, but the models themselves are really nice and fun to paint at least.

I’m aiming to collect the Wakanda and Spider-Foes affiliations, along with adding a few more Avengers eventually. There’s plenty of players at the club so shouldn’t be short of games and from my limited experience it’s quite a bit more tactical than you might think.

I particularly like the pre-game section where you’re picking the crisis and your force based on that crisis and your opponent. Lots to learn and so many combinations with all the Marvel characters I imagine it might take me a fair while to get up to speed!

Here’s the crew so far:

I've just used the Avengers so far, in a four-way symbiote special scenario which was really cool, and also in my first game proper against Wakanda.

I managed to win that game 16-6 with Captain America grabbing the Skrull agent in the first turn and disappearing off with it for the next 5 turns. Highlights of the game for me was my opponent's Black Panther dazing Ironman right at the start of turn 2, only for him to get up and using Friday AI and One-Two Punch returning the favour and dazing Okoye into the bargain.

I also grabbed one of the civilians after Spider-Man had knocked Black Panther down to 1 health when he recovered from being dazed, only for my second attack to have to target Venom nearby. Spidey then threw a car at Black Panther and managed to finish him off!

Killmonger had a good time though against Captain Marvel and Black Widow on the other flank and I struggled to contest that civilian as Shuri could push me about.

Looking forward to getting more games in soon, thanks for reading.

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