Sunday, July 4, 2021

Marvel-ous Crisis Protocol

Long time, no see, eh?

This year has been a hectic one for me so far, work has been extremely busy for the most part, I'm in the process of moving house in a pandemic, I've had three bouts of enforced self-isolation due to proximity to someone with the virus, and a host of other issues going on.

That's meant my hobby progress as either been stalled, or has been curtailed quite a bit and I've struggled to summon the enthusiasm to get painting done. That and loads of boxes in the garage from the move doesn't help.

But - my gaming club Welwyn Wargamers has reopened its doors and that has been a huge catalyst in enthusiasm for painting again. We're even running a 40k Crusade campaign which should really provide the incentive for me to get some more Tyranid units done - but that's for a different blog post.

Anyway, sometime in 2020 I picked up the box of Marvel Crisis Protocol as a number of club members play it, and hey it's Spidey and Hulk and Blade and stuff, so you know.

I'm not a huge comic fan, I don't know a huge lot about the more obscure characters in Marvel, but the game itself is really fun and thematic and on the plus side my son likes the whole MVU so I took the plunge.

Some of the models are amazing, in fact most of them are, but I always had in mind I'd limit myself to a faction or two, alongside what came in the box. I eventually settled on Spider Foes and Wakanda, just because I like the characters and most of the sculpts are really nice.

However, I decided that I'd paint up what came in the box first before I branched out on buying more. To that end I've been making steady progress on them - 7 of the 10 are now done - so about time I shared my work.

It's a really fun system that I can get a couple or even 3 games out of in an evening at the club which is definitely a huge plus. Not got to grips with the tactics yet I'll be honest, but I've only had the chance to play 3 games so far so early days.

Here's my Marvel-ous heroes so far, thanks for reading: 

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