Sunday, July 4, 2021

Tyranid progress

Two posts in a day! Shocking behaviour.

I've steadily been making some progress with my hivefleet. Thanks to the Crusade campaign we're running at Welwyn Wargamers and the fact I can actually play physical games again, I'm pretty excited for 9th edition 40k as a whole.

So hopefully I will be able to post a bit more often - house move allowing - as I gradually grow my force. There's already another 3 Tyranid Warriors and a Lictor on my painting table, and I'm eyeing up building some Hormagaunts next for another troops choice.

So far, I have painted:


24 Genestealers
36 Termagants
6 Tyranid Warriors

3 Hive Guard
3 Venomthropes


That's taken me far too long to be honest, even if I did try and concentrate on the little bugs first to get them out of the way.

Still, I'm pretty happy with how they're looking and Hive Fleet Gorgon seems a fun theme to use. I aim to have a few more big bugs done before the year is out. The lore of the hive fleet is they are heavily into the use of spores - so Venomthropes, Toxicrenes and Spore Mines - so I'll be sticking to that and the Crusade campaign really helps to build a narrative. 

I do have a garage of Tyranid stuff waiting to be built and painted, could just do with moving to the new house and the hobby space it would provide!

Here's the latest additions, hope you like them and thanks for reading!

Marvel-ous Crisis Protocol

Long time, no see, eh?

This year has been a hectic one for me so far, work has been extremely busy for the most part, I'm in the process of moving house in a pandemic, I've had three bouts of enforced self-isolation due to proximity to someone with the virus, and a host of other issues going on.

That's meant my hobby progress as either been stalled, or has been curtailed quite a bit and I've struggled to summon the enthusiasm to get painting done. That and loads of boxes in the garage from the move doesn't help.

But - my gaming club Welwyn Wargamers has reopened its doors and that has been a huge catalyst in enthusiasm for painting again. We're even running a 40k Crusade campaign which should really provide the incentive for me to get some more Tyranid units done - but that's for a different blog post.

Anyway, sometime in 2020 I picked up the box of Marvel Crisis Protocol as a number of club members play it, and hey it's Spidey and Hulk and Blade and stuff, so you know.

I'm not a huge comic fan, I don't know a huge lot about the more obscure characters in Marvel, but the game itself is really fun and thematic and on the plus side my son likes the whole MVU so I took the plunge.

Some of the models are amazing, in fact most of them are, but I always had in mind I'd limit myself to a faction or two, alongside what came in the box. I eventually settled on Spider Foes and Wakanda, just because I like the characters and most of the sculpts are really nice.

However, I decided that I'd paint up what came in the box first before I branched out on buying more. To that end I've been making steady progress on them - 7 of the 10 are now done - so about time I shared my work.

It's a really fun system that I can get a couple or even 3 games out of in an evening at the club which is definitely a huge plus. Not got to grips with the tactics yet I'll be honest, but I've only had the chance to play 3 games so far so early days.

Here's my Marvel-ous heroes so far, thanks for reading: