Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The swarm is growing...

Little hobby update, although not a lot as you’ll see.

I’ve been working towards a 750pt Tyranid list for 40k. Initially when we started Welwyn Wargamers - check us out on Facebook and Twitter (shameless, I know) - we began with a 750pt escalation league to get us all building and painting new armies.

I started with Crimson Fists as they’d been sat in my garage for years, but found painting and playing them pretty uninspiring.

So when I began the nids, I decided I’d paint stuff before playing it, so that’s what I’ve been doing so far. I have played a few games of Kill Team with them, and they seem pretty fun. Very much looking forward to seeing them on the table!

Anyway, that initial 750pt list had to be revised with the GW points alteration a few months ago and that meant I need more of the little guys! I’m not the fastest painter, so that means more time off the table, but never mind.

Here’s the progress on my second batch of termagants. Base and first layer and washes done. Now comes all the fiddly detail work!

My list is this:

20 genestealers (3 acid maws, 5 scything talons)
20 termagants (4 devourers)
3 Hive Guard (impaler cannons)

Pretty straightforward, mostly coming from the start collecting set and a couple extras.

It’s all Hive Fleet Gorgon, and I have no idea if it’s any good (don’t care either!) but hopefully it’s a useful core for when the army grows over 1,000pts.

Tell me what you think!

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