Monday, May 6, 2019

Branching out...

April was a pretty busy month for me workwise and hobbywise as it turned out. There's a fair bit to cover, so bear with me...

New horizons

I had a cheeky trip up to Warhammer World with my son and a friend earlier in April, and having looked at it for a while I splashed out on Underworld: Nighthaunt as there's a few players at the club (@welwynwargamers, follow us!) and the models look good.

I bought the boxed set and the Gitz (?) because, well, goblins. I've played a few games so far, and it's pretty decent.

Having built a rudimentary deck from what came in the box, I can see there's a few weaknesses to my cards, but I'm happy enough while I learn how to play.

I have been using just the Nighthaunt gang so far, not a far of the Stormcast models as a whole and haven't built the gobbos yet. It's intriguing enough, and very fast which is perfect for the evening at a tournament or as a second game.

Age of Sigmar has also entered my lexicon. I played a game with a new member of the club a few week's back. Now I like many hated the way the Old World ended (was killed off). I didn't vow not to get into AoS as a result, but I have found I don't like the aesthetic of some of the factions.

I still have 4 8th edition fantasy armies - ogres, skaven, daemons and tomb kings - and I still play 8th now and again. I have no intention of rebasing them, one is custom resin bases and the other is lava bases done by me, and to be honest I still love the ranked up feel of Warhammer.

However, I tried out my ogres into Blades of Khorne and it was pretty fun.

There was a fair bit of interest at the club in running an escalation league, with the Path to Glory rules added where as you accumulate glory and experience your heroes and units can gain upgrades. So much so that 11 or so are planning forces for the league to begin end of June/early July.

To that end, and because I always wanted an orc army for fantasy but already had skaven so didn't want another horde force, I've gone for Bonesplitterz. The Orruks are too armoured/mega-armour looking for me, and savage orcs look great. As usual, I picked the force because of the models, no idea if they're any good.

I big order of that is due to arrive, although I have got the Malign Portents thing for some spells, the book, the core rule book and some savage orc heroes to be getting on with.

Painting monkey

April also saw me get my second guild for Guild Ball painted up - the farmers.

A mate from Welwyn Wargamers (again, @welwynwargamers) agreed to do them for me, and he's done an epic job. Pics without a white box don't ever do models justice, but they still look fantastic and I can't wait to play a few more games of them.

I had the best part of a month off Guild Ball after the Hemel event (see earlier blog), and will be returning with Blacksmiths in the near future. Farmers will be in the bag for a change up now and again, however.

Look at these models!

Hobby progress

I have so nearly finished off another 12 termagants for my Hive Fleet Gorgon. I say nearly as much putting off has delayed their completion. I've got another 8 genestealers to do after this lot, but that's the troops for the preliminary force done and I can move on to the bigger critters.

April also saw me dust off and paint up an old Blood Bowl star player - halfling legend Puggy Baconbreath. Why you might ask? Well, that will become clear in the next blog...

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