Sunday, February 24, 2019

40k/Kill Team

40k/Kill Team

Here's my other major hobby project at the moment, my Tyranids.

My first 40k army as a teenager was the old lead/metal nids, and I had about 1,000pts I think. After getting back into hobby stuff, I wasn't sure my painting skills are up to doing them justice (still not sure tbh) and at the club we started an escalation league as many of us were rediscovering the game.

I had a cupboard full of marines ready for a Crimson Fist army. That front page of Rogue Trader all those years ago has a lot to answer for!

That said, I built 2,000pts or so of the marines, but I really did not enjoy playing them and least of all painting them. It was a real struggle.

So, when the Tyranid codex came out it wasn't hard for me to switch projects. This time, however, I'm building a unit and painting it with a view to getting to 750pts before I play a game.

I've only done troops so far, as with a chunk of them done I can mix and match the force once it's on the table. It's focused around genestealers, because you know, aliens. Other than that, I plan on a mix of all sorts as I don't know what stuff does and I'm not bothered about net lists etc.

I have painted up 16 genestealers and 12 termagants as it stands. Not a great deal, and it's taken me a while even using the airbrush for the initial two layers. One thing I'm not is a fast painter, but I'm fairly happy with how my fledgling Hive Fleet Gorgon looks.

Here they are:

For now any games I get in with them will be in Kill Team, where they're pretty fun if fragile!


Guild Ball

Guild Ball

I was introduced to Guild Ball a while back by a friend, but began playing at the start of 2018 as season 3 was in full swing.

Initially I just played Masons as I learned the game - and there's plenty to learn - having been given the Honour box by the friend. I quickly picked up the second box, and have since obtained a number of the teams including: Blacksmiths, Brewers, Butchers, Falconers, Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Order and Union.

Anyway, early doors I had my Masons painted up for me and they're still my 'main' guild at the moment. They look a bit like this:

I'm a big fan of the Masons' flexibility, and I've focused on them as I got in to Season 4.

Next month, I will be taking them to a 32-player event in Hemel Hempstead - my second Guild Ball tournament - which is a great chance to test myself against much more experienced players and different guilds.

As well as games at Welwyn Wargamers - where we set up an escalation league which has enthused a number of new players thankfully - I occasionally pop down to Thor's in Borehamwood to test myself against some tournament-goers.

Anyway, I'm in the process of painting up Snakeskin to go in my tournament 12 for next month. Pictures to follow, she's had some basecoats on at the moment, but plenty more to go.

I'm also working on painting up my butchers. Here's their bases - all by Broken Toad:

I have a number of projects on the table at the moment - don't we all - but hopefully by March I will start to get some paint on the players themselves so I can field my second painted guild!

Cheers for reading.



Hello there. If you're reading this, you've probably been directed here by me to read some of my ramblings about tabletop gaming and modelling.

But just in case, I'm Wil and I am a gaming nerd!

This blog should hopefully follow hobby progress as I painstakingly slowly build and paint up my various armies/teams/models.

It should also chart any tournaments I occasionally get to, as well as some match/battle reports depending on the gaming system I'm indulging in. More on that later.

I play a variety of games, but competitively Blood Bowl and Guild Ball. I also dabble in 40k, Kill Team, Necromunda, WHFB, Mordheim and have an extensive board game collection that occasionally I even get to play.

I've played tournament Blood Bowl since 2006, travelling to countries including including Italy, Austria and Germany to compete. I was also lucky enough to be picked to play for England in Orebro, Sweden, in 2016 where we took home the coveted Eurobowl trophy.

Guild Ball is something I'm getting into a bit more having picked up the game at the start of 2018. Enjoying it, and trying to get more games in where I can.

I run a gaming club in Welwyn Garden City. If you're in the area, pop in and have a game!

Check us/me out at:

Hope you enjoy the blog!