Wednesday, March 4, 2020


It has been a couple of months since my last blog, and I have done very little hobby-wise in that time sadly. I have been struggling motivation-wise despite having three Tyranid warriors sat on my painting table waiting to be finished.

However, I have now finished those three models and have finally painted something in 2020! Yay me.

Here they are in all their glory - happy with how they've turned out. I have one more model - a Tervigon - to go and that takes me to 1,000pts. Should be quicker now I have a lot of the little bugs done.

I have been busy gaming-wise though at Welwyn Wargamers, with a host of enjoyable games from Zombicide, Underworlds and the new shiny Marvel Crisis Protocol under my belt (more on Marvel later I suspect).

Later this month I have my fourth Guild Ball event, and I'm venturing away from my beloved Masons to try out my Farmers team. I haven't nailed down my 12 yet, and now having Festival all painted up I suspect I won't know it until very close to the day. Fingers crossed I do well!

Hopefully I should manage a few more frequent blogs from now on. I have the painting bug back which is nice! Thanks for reading.