Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Strategies and schemes

Hey folks.

So it appears I’ve picked up (yet) another new game thanks to the good folks at Welwyn Wargamers, in the fashion of Malifaux.

Now I’ve been interested in the game for a long time, but until recently I didn’t know anyone local who played it.

With the new third edition of the rules and several members of the club having a crew or several, now seemed a good time to try it out.

As usual with a new game I like to look at the various factions and the models specifically and decide what appeals to me most.

In the case of Malifaux, that was the Neverborn. I had no idea how the game was played, apart from that no dice were used and there seemed to be a vast model collection, so I put in a preorder a while back.

Wyrd who make the game seem to ha e been having lots of distribution problems and so it took me a while to get the stuff I’d preordered. I’m still waiting for the rulebook and my faction book, but still.

I do have a Marcus crew though now. Here they are in their grey plastic glory:

I played my first game a couple of weeks ago, losing 4-2 to a guild crew in a Turf War strategy game. It was pretty fun, albeit I had no idea what I was doing, but I did enjoy the strategy within the game as you pick your crew and the mini-missions you need to try and win.

In the meantime I’ve picked up a few more models to give me some options in future games - a Grootslang (snakey type critter), some Will O’ the Wisps (sneaky little dudes for grabbing objectives) and some Corrupted Hounds (more of the same). My crew is about mutations and speed, and the boss man Marcus sets all that up so hopefully as I play a few games I’ll start to learn some strategies etc.

This month I painted up another two of my Guild Ball Butchers - Tenderiser (my favourite model in the guild) and Brisket. Will hopefully have another 2 done at least this month, but we shall see.

Here there are. Pretty happy with how the team looks so far, but only 3 players finished.

Finally I've been working a bit more on my tyranids. No pictures yet but am part way through painting up three Hive Guard models and a Broodlord.

By the time they're done, I have one more model to build and paint to complete my initial 750pt list. Small steps, but the vast majority of the troop core is already done for bigger armies etc.

Thanks for reading!!