Sunday, September 1, 2019

Path to Glory

It’s been a while since my last post, which doesn’t necessarily reflect my hobby progress, rather than a lack of completed projects.

Over @welwynwargamers I’m running an AoS Path to Glory campaign which has enticed 15 players to join. I’ve only played one game of AoS myself, and I’ve always wanted an orc army.

So I took the plunge with Bonesplitterz. So many models to paint...

Here they are so far! The starting force - a Wurrgog Prophet, 2 x 5 boar boys, 1 x 10 savage orruks and 1 x 10 savage orruk arrowboys are all done.

The clan will get their first run out tomorrow (2nd) which should be interesting.

The campaign itself has been going well, a decent mix of battle tomes and some entertaining scenarios. No idea how my boys will fare, but that’s not the point anyway!

In other hobby news I’ve been acquiring more Guild Ball guilds - Morticians, Engineers and ratcatchers. I’ve nearly got the lot, but then you knew that would happen 😀

I’ve also picked up Magore’s Fiends for Underworlds thanks to a prize voucher won by my halfings. That gives me three of the bands with associated decks which is plenty for me to be going on with.

That’s about it. Will try and post a bit more frequently, GB butchers and some Hive Guard next on the painting table!!

Thanks for reading